Individual Therapy2022-11-07T17:03:13+00:00

Individual Therapy

As a Practitioner, I provide individual psychotherapy. Psychotherapy walks you through the amazing, awful, tiresome and routine parts of life. It can then assist you in reaching goals, relieving distress or changing aspects of your life. Through dialogue, a supportive environment is co-created. This then allows you to share your difficulties in a neutral and non-judgmental space.
As a Licensed Therapist, I explore your experience and interactions empathically. I link this to your sense of dissatisfaction. I can then assist you in addressing your distress. Psychotherapy is a combined effort between an individual and the Practitioner. It is thus an intricate and personalised process. Psychotherapy is tailored to each client’s specific challenges or needs and is uniquely adapted for each client.

“Life is amazing. And then it’s awful. Then it’s amazing again. And in between the amazing and the awful, it’s ordinary and mundane and routine… That’s just living heartbreaking, soul-healing, amazing, awful ordinary life. And it’s breathtakingly beautiful.”


Individual psychotherapy may assist a person in dealing with:

  • Interpersonal difficulties
  • Trauma
  • Bereavement and loss
  • Divorce or separation
  • Stress
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Burnout
  • Career challenges
  • Self-esteem-, weight-, eating-, and body image issues
  • Adjusting to new situations and major life transitions
  • Developing skills to deal with life’s challenges
  • Dealing with health difficulties

Frequently asked questions

When do I need to consider Psychotherapy?2022-04-13T09:15:26+00:00

“Any time your quality of life isn’t what you want it to be, psychotherapy can help.”

Signs that you could benefit from therapy include:

  • A sense of overwhelming, prolonged helplessness and sadness.
  • None of your efforts or help from your friends seems to improve your problems.
  • You find it difficult to concentrate on work or to carry out everyday activities.
  • Excessive worry, expecting the worst or constantly feeling on edge.
  • Your actions are harming you or others. This could include drinking too much alcohol, using drugs or being aggressive.


How long is a session?2022-04-13T09:16:39+00:00

A session is usually 50 minutes, depending on the needs of the client.

How many sessions will I Need?2022-04-13T09:16:58+00:00

The number of sessions depends on the nature and complexity of the complaint. Each person and difficulty is unique and will require a unique treatment approach.

On average, I recommend four (4) sessions as a start for you to find benefit in psychotherapy. Some clients may benefit sooner and some may benefit from a longer duration of therapy.

What are the cost Involved?2022-04-13T09:17:12+00:00

The cost can be viewed on the Bookings Page. I work as an independent practitioner and I am not affiliated with any Dutch health insurance provider. Please check with your health insurance provider to see whether there are any reimbursements available.

Will Health Insurance pay for Psychotherapy?2022-04-13T09:17:26+00:00

I work as an independent practitioner and I am not affiliated with any Dutch health insurance provider. Please check with your health insurance provider to see whether there are any reimbursements available.

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